Sunday, January 07, 2007

15 Nanoseconds of Fame

Well, beyond the basic internet blog celebrity in which we self-absorbed bloggers all gloriously bask-- ahem -- last week I had some genuine public visibility on French television. Not a huge deal, but fun for me to have my mini claim to fame, as it were. France 2, Journal de 13h, le feuilleton sur "la code de la conduite" The links don't always work correctly, but give it a shot if you'd like. Click on Journal de 13 heures, then seances precedents for mardi 2 janvier, mercredi 3 janvier and vendredi 5 janvier.

I'm the American named Polly, duh. What a (non)star. But I managed to communicate in French! See if you can find me, like "Where's Waldo?"

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