No cardboard crowns for me. It's my party and I'll do what I want to. So I took a wee birthday stroll down Memory Lane (rue de la Recherche du Temps Perdu?), and look what I found! Another French Party.

Oui, that is none other than Polly-Vous Français, moi-même, the lady with the double-strand pearl choker and hair piled high. I was playing the role of the Marquise de Merteuil in a community theatre production of Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Yup, that's right. Me and Glenn Close, soul sisters. So, maybe I don't rank as Queen for the Day. Marquise for the Day.
Trivia about the production:
I'm convinced that I was cast in the lead role of Marquise not because of any superior acting talents, but because I was the only one who could pronounce Merteuil at auditions. Ironically, I never had to mention my character's name on stage.
The rest of the cast called me Myrtle.
Theatre trick #1. My hair was poofed up over a pair of rolled-up knee-socks (clean ones!) and fastened with 42 bobby pins.
Theatre trick #2. We all had painted-on cleavage. We women, that is.
This photo of cast and crew was taken during the First Bush administration, and I haven't changed an iota, except for the big hair, right? Can you tell by my expression that I couldn't breathe in that corset?
The gold curtains were discards from the living room of the house I'd just moved to.
I was married at the time, and had to kiss the dashing Valmont live, in public, on stage. In rehearsals and performances. No fake kiss, either. That was fun...
And then I um.
Oh, sorry. Where was I? Let's see, my dress weighed 25 pounds. It had hundreds of quarter-inch mirrors sewn into the bodice and the folds of the skirt so it totally dazzled the audience every time I swept regally across the stage. Good thing the dress dazzled them, because my acting sure didn't.
The review in the local newspaper said "[Polly] did a fine job with a difficult part." (How do you say to damn with faint praise in French?)
My next on-stage performance, several years later, was at the Emerson Theatre in Boston. I was a dancing Palm Tree.
That was my final acting role.
Happy Birthday!
And... I knew you were a star!
Happy Birthday Polly!
Love the 'do, so the knee socks were they those white cotton tube socks with the stripes? I was a Christmas tree in the 2nd grade at good ole St Augustine's. I had a bad case of stage fright and couldn't say my lines. That's what ended my stage career.
Joyeux anniversaire,
Joyeux anniversaire,
Joyeux anniversaire, chère Polly,
Joyeux anniversaire!
And to think, I just watched Dangerous Liasons on DVD about two weeks ago. I cried at the end...Funny,though, I never thought of you a single time when watching Glenn Close. I'll just have to watch it again!
And...now I have a mental image of ma chère, Polly...with a beehive and double strand pearls. We will have to meet someday!!
Meilleurs voeux!!
Happy birthday, Polly! Lots of love to you from C'Ville.
Merci, all.
Mo - at least you had speaking lines as a Christmas tree. As a Palm Tree, all I got to do was sway & boogie.
BV - Dangerous Liaisons is such a great movie; I'll have to rent it again. Scenery, costumes, acting, wow. All filmed on location.
Molly - I still have a little sign that says "Star in Your Own Damn Show"
Yummy Valmont, lucky Myrtle.
I can't tell you how glad I am you finally have comments!
Happy Birthday, Polly. May the French be with you . . .
R in CA
Happy birthday from Boston's left bank! I found my way here a few months ago and enjoy your writing very much. Again, Happy Birthday!
K in MA
So that's where my knee socks went!
XOXO from your sister in St. Croix
I had a swell birthday. Merci!
- Anonymous sister: I said they were CLEAN knee-socks.
P.S. I got an update after lo these many years from the director of the wonderful Piedmont Players Theater, where this Liaisons Dangereuses was produced. (Valmont-the-dashing-kisser is now a judge and a new dad.)
He didn't, however, try to correct my statements about my acting talents. Sniff. The truth always stings!
Happy Belated B-Day, Polly! Sorry I'm just catching up on lots of your posts now -- but I couldn't miss any of your old posts, I enjoy them all! So as long as it takes...
A new production of Liaisons Dangereuses has just hit Broadway:
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