Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Velib by the Numbers

The City of Paris has just conducted a customer satisfaction survey about the Velib bicycle program. Here are some of the results:

94% are satisfied with the service
97% would recommend it to a friend

20 million Velib rentals to date (since the program began last July)

190,000 subscribers

18 minutes average length of use

39% of Velib users are between 25 and 35 years old
33% of the users come from the suburbs

58% of long-term subscribers are men
65% of short-term subscribers are women

19% of riders say they have used a Velib for a trip that they wouldn't have taken if Velib weren't available.

61% of long-term subscribers use Velib to commute to school or work.

96% say it gives a positive image of Paris
94% say it makes Paris more pleasant

88% say it's good for their health

No official mention of Velib stations' reputation for being good for your love life --a great place to pick up a potential date.

Read more here.


blueVicar said...

Those are some impressive statistics for a new initiative...I guess it will be continuing?!

So let's hear more about the date stats...those sound even more intriguing...

Meilleurs voeux!!

Polly-Vous Francais said...

Bonjour, BV!
Most of what I've heard about Velib dating has been anecdotal (I own my own bike...) but here's one article


Velibataires! Of course!

Misplaced said...

I wonder what the satisfaction rate would be if you actually had to deal with a french customer service representative. As long as the system is mechanized their ratings should stay high.

Oh man, I've only been here for a year am I really getting that jaded?

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