The College Board, administrator of AP exams, SATs, and all the other (supposedly) important barometers of high-school ability for college placement, has made a decision to cancel the Advanced Placement exam in French Literature, effective in 2009.
As a lifelong student of French literature, knowing how much I learned from studying not just the language but also the literature, I am not only outraged but totally depressed at the political dumbing-down of American education, by people who ought to know better.
Please join me in writing the College Board to protest this stupid decision, which they claim is final. And pass the word along to all your Francophile friends.
Please send letters to:
Gaston Caperton
The College Board
45 Columbus Avenue
New York, NY 10023-6992
email: gcaperton@collegeboard.org
Lester Monts
University of Michigan
503 Thompson Street
Room 3084 Fleming Building
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340
email: lmonts@umich.edu
1 comment:
Hi Polly.
I wrote to to Caperton and Monts, cc-ing all my francophile friends, lots of whom are educators. I also sent John Kerry a copy of the message, just in case... Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
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