Friday, January 16, 2009

Fly Free to France in Jet-Lag Gig

Hey! Would you like to travel to France for free?

If you have some spare time on your hands, a research firm wants to fly you to France and study your jet-lagged brain cells. Sounds intriguing, n'est-ce pas?

View the entire announcement here.

Hmmm. Do they allow layovers in Paris?

Check out their website for more information.

info via Gadling


Going Like Sixty said...

Did you apply? I did! I will keep you posted.

Polly-Vous Francais said...

60: That's fabulous1 Let me know what happens. But wait --you're never cranky, are you?

Anyway, glad you took the plunge. You're so adventurous! And what a great story it will make. More than blogworthy, definitely a feature somewhere.

I didn't apply, just bc I'm still in the settling-in mode, moving to a real house and and and.

And today: frozen pipes.

Chris said...

"There is no opportunity to leave the study center premises in France or tour France before returning home...." =(

Petrea Burchard said...

I knew it was too good to be true. But you're right, it would make a great story.

Anonymous said...

I applied! Thank you for the information!

Felicia, This Time Now

Polly-Vous Francais said...

Gee, I wish I had the time to do it. It could be a fun story to tell -- "Oh, I just got back from a quick trip to France!!" -- and then with that nice stipend in your pocket (not bad for 5 days IMHO), you could afford to turn around and head back for a real trip to France, and experience independent jet-lag!

Going Like Sixty said...

Hope your pipes have defrosted!

I did OK the two times we went. But that was when I could take a carry on full of liters of water to stay hydrated. For sure I would be cranky with jetlag now.

Can't leave the premises? Must be some in depth study. Being cranky and all... That would be an inconvenience. But I like your "quick trip" parlay.

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