Weee-o! (Or in French, ouais!)
This is my first ever book giveaway! In the past I have been supplied with books to read and review upon occasion; but this time the generous folks at Simon & Schuster have sent me an extra book to offer to readers of Polly-Vous Francais? in a Book Giveaway!
Drum-roll, please.
And this is not just any book. It is Lessons from Madame Chic: 20 Stylish Secrets I Learned While Living in Paris by Jennifer L. Scott.
Okay, well, damn, I thought when I first heard about this book. Or "Sniff!" as I wrote to the lovely Simon & Schuster publicist who offered me the advance review copy, "This was the book I was going to write," I whined. "Oh well, she who hesitates... blah blah." So I swallowed my pride (and that half-written manuscript) and eagerly agreed to read the book and offer a book giveaway on ye blog.
Mardon me, Padame, but how the h** does one do a book giveaway?
Keep reading.
Of course one googles the phrase "Book Giveaway" and then picks from the best of the ideas and marches onward.
And so I present: the Polly-Vous Francais first-ever book giveaway!
Are you still awake? Would you like a free book?
If you'd like to learn how to be chic like the French women in this book, and get a free book which gives you all the details, simply leave a non-spam, non-anonymous comment below. And while you're at it you can "like" our Facebook page! I will print out all the names and cut their email addresses in little strips of paper and then place all the names in a beret before November 6 (the release date of the next edition) and then I will ask a random friend to extract the names from the beret. Then the winner, selected at random, will be contacted. Said winner will have to have enough confidence that I am not an axe-murderer to give me her (or his?) mailing address, and then I will send that winner a pristine copy of the wonderful Lessons from Madame Chic. And I'll actually pay the postage. And I actually promise to put it in the mail, unlike most of the other letters on my desk which have been languishing in the "to be mailed" pile for lo these many months.
But don't stop reading yet. You need the preliminary review! Lessons from Madame Chic arrived in this afternoon's mail. And I can't put it down. It is a fabulous look at French savoir vivre. Jennifer Scott never attempts to generalize or make stereotypes, but simply offers one view of chic French life as she observed from a year living in Paris with Madame and Monsieur Chic in the 16e arrondissement. She balances it with great observations about Madame Bohemienne in the 11e. No broad-brush "the French are this or that" statements, but simple and astute observations from her year in Paris.
I like that.
I think perhaps some cultural/social evolution has happened since the author first spent her junior year in France (most chic French women now wear jeans?), but this book is nevertheless a great resource, with helpful tips on how to incorporate French chic and practicality into your everyday life. In every realm from fashion to food to family living to feeding your brain, with chapters such as "Exercise is Part of Living, Not a Chore." You'll be glad you read it. And I think you'll keep it on hand as a reference book.
So, my friends, submit comments below (and "like" us on Facebook for a plus) to qualify to win a free copy of Lessons from Madame Chic! Comments (or new Facebook "likes") must happen before November 5.
The winner will be informed by November 6.
Friday, October 19, 2012
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Pick me please even though I'm hopeless. Just as frumpy after four years in Paris as when I began. But my fashion conscious progeny would love it.
I will keep you in the running, Anne! And if you read this book you'll realize that no one is "hopeless.' Thanks for commenting!
I've had this book on my wish list for awhile and would absolutely live to win a copy:). What a great contest
What a fun contest! Pick me!
Oh, I'm still searching for style. If I win this book, maybe I can be stylish by 60.(My birthday is in May. Is that enough time to turn myself around?) Thanks for the chance to win it.
I love books about Paris and Frenchness - count me in! Merci!
I need all the help I can get!
I'd love to win! I enjoy your posts, Polly.
Please count me in for the giveaway thank you! Liked on facebook.
Always love me some french fashion! How fun.
Yes! I would love to own this book! Because clearly, eleven+ years in the Charente-Maritime did me no good on the style front. ;-)
I would love a chance to win this book; I'm living in Paris now and it would be awfully handy!
P.S. I have yet to leave a comment on your page but I guess now isn't a bad moment to finally do so.
I found your blog sometimes last year and went back to read every single post published since you started writing. I read the posts as a way to prepare for my year abroad in Paris. Thank you very much for all your observations on Parisian culture. I look forward to reading your future posts!
Thank you so much for a fantastic book giveaway, that i would love to have the oportunity of reading. I would be most greatful if you could put my name into the hat, thank you x
Email: lfountain1(at)hotmail(dot)co(dot)uk
*apologies not on facebook*
Hi! Please, count me in if your giveaway is open to international readers of your blog! Bisous !
Thank you!
Marta GarcĂa
martaplayita gmail com
I'm sure all you lovely people are actually very chic with your own style -- half of chic is confidence, as you'll read in Lessons from Madame Chic. I wish I had more than one book to give away! I'll reconnect with the nice publicist and see if she has one or 2 more copies. Double your odds!
And Staceylaparisienne you are so sweet, and I am not joking when I say that I teared up when I read your kind words. The WHOLE blog? You didn't die from polly-itis?
Merci for the opportunity to win a Paris chic book! Biz!
My friend Lee Anne would love this book.
My friend Lee Anne would love this book.
I always look forward to reading your posts, and we have been Facebook friends for a while now...can always use a boost of cheeky chic in my life! Thanks for throwing my name into your beret!
First off, I love your blog. I would to win a copy of the book. I desperately need help with my style. I have been a life-long francophile.
I am also following you on facebook.
Here is one of the many classic anecdotes which made me love this book.
The author is out shopping with Madame Chic, who turns to her and says, "That sweater does not look good on you..." then hearing her reaction, continues, "Don't be upset, Jennifer! It's just an observation. As a woman, you must know what colors look the best on you. How are you to know if no one tells you?"
Major Francophile here. Would love to have you drop my name in the hat for the draw. Thanks!
manon729 at yahoo dot com
please pick me - i'm no fashionplate but really, any girl can dream :) i'd love to have this one!
readerrabbit22 at gmail.com
This book is on my wish list! What a nice giveaway.
I've wanted to read this since before a big-time publisher decided to print it. It was off the market for awhile, and in that time, people were selling her first edition on Amazon at astronomical prices! In fact, one seller still has it for sale for $980!
I also follow Jennifer on her YouTube channel, and she's very informative! She also has her Daily Connoisseur which I frequent.
Best of luck to whomever wins, it will be a real treat!
Please please me!
Great idea. My main focus in France these days is the campaign to save Paris from skyscrapers. You can read about it in my new editorial "Paris Does Not Want or Need Skyscrapers." http://www.bonjourparis.com/story/paris-does-not-want-or-need-skyscrapers/ But of course! I also read every book I can find on French chic.
Mary Campbell Gallagher
Oooh, looks like just the kind of book that I like.
PS I've been reading this blog for a few years now, and I really like it but I've never commented before, so I'm taking the opportunity to say thanks for all the posts and keep up the good work :)
What a Charming, Sweet thing to do ! I'd truly enjoy reading this book ! Thanks, Vera
I would love to read this book. I am addicted to all things french.
Would love getting help becoming more chic!
I actually have the 1st edition of her book, which was self-published last year....so I'm not going to enter the giveaway, but I just wanted to mention that Jennifer's book is fantastic - well worth the read!
Thank you for hosting this giveaway Polly, I came over from the French Chic group but I also enjoy reading your blog. Please enter me into the contest: pg.doyle(at)hotmail.com
Being a French teacher, I am always trying to look the part ;-) This book would be a great resource. Laura
I would love the chance for an infusion of chic!
Yes, count me in! I'm cooking the food, singing along with Charles Trenet, I'm learning the language, I'd love to know how to look the part! Thanks so much
I would love this book. What a fun giveaway!
I have loved reading your blog over the years.
I'm a long-time follower of your blog and would love to win a copy of "Lessons from Madame Chic."
Merci beaucoup!
Ohh, how exciting! I know I could certainly use a little more "chic-ness" in my life. :)
I would love to win Jennifer's book. Don't give up on writing your own book - as you can see from all our comments there are a lot of us out there interested in finding that all elusive chicness and French Je ne sais quoi.
Oh I never win anything but I simply MUST try for this book! I have been trying to BE French for years!!
I would love a copy of this book!
Personally I just like the idea of my name floating around in your beret for a few hot seconds. ;-)
what fun! I'd like to read the book as I've read her blog for a while! thanks for the offer!
I borrowed the book from the local library but would love to have my own copy! It would be easier to keep my French resolutions with the book sitting enticingly on my bookshelf or nightstand.
Oh, how I would adore winning that book! Btw, I just hosted my very first book giveaway, too. In fact, I drew the winner last night. If you'd like to see how I did it you can take a look at the post here:
I adore the French and have tried to read every book ever printed about them and their lifestyle. I would be thrilled beyond words if I got selected. Thank-you!
Jennifer deserves great success with this book and her devotion to her followers. If I can prove I'm not a robot, I'll submit this comment for a chance to win!
Yes, I would like to win. I'm going to Paris for the first time in May. Would like to read it before I leave.
75 tivaThJust found your website while reading Jennifer Scott's FB page. Now P-VF has been "Favorites"-ed, too.
Love the book - hope I win the new edition!!
I would love to win a copy of this book!
I would love to win this! I also like you on FB (lindsay maki).
We are all stylish, in our own way. But I want this book.
Re: Polly-Vous Francais
Yes, the WHOLE blog! Haha. I think it took me over a month, maybe two, but I would just read it whenever i could on my nook and I found that after I started I couldn't put it down! You wrote on subjects a lot of other bloggers neglect and I really enjoy your style of writing.
I LOVE your blog and can"t wait for the book!!
Capsule dressing is the BEST!!
Tossing my chapeau into the running. Thank you!
Great giveaway! I'm looking forward to reading it.
just discovered your blog via the daily connoisseur. thanks for considering me in the contest!
Oh, oh, me please.
Familylively at yahoo dot com
I wish I'd win this giveaway!!! I am in a new period of my life, moving to minimalism, but still keeping things glamour... Currently working on my 10 items wardrobe. So this book is on my wishlist too!
Just found your blog after reading today's Daily Connoisseur post. Pick me, s'il vous plait!
i would LOVE to win this book! (even if i don't win, i'm still going to buy it!)
Being a private caregiver I am frumpy all of the time it seems! I took French in school but have forgotten so much. I need to feel fabulous! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Hope I win! Love reading about French style.
Well, guess I'd better get my groove on and enter...it's almost show time! Thanks, Polly. Loving your blog daily. =)
AS a long time follower of your blog, I would love to be in the running for the book give away! I was just in Paris for 2 weeks with my 92 year old friend. I commented to her that on my first trips to France I never wore slacks, but now they seem to blend in very nicely.
I hope I'm not too late! I would love to win this book...I need fashion advice! :) Please count me in if this giveaway is international. Thank you so much.
P.S. Liked you on Facebook (initials of my name are JJ)
Hi everyone!
Thank you SO much for your comments and hopes for the giveaway.
I was a bit out of touch last week due to hurricane Sandy.
Tonight I am busily printing out the comments and cutting them in strips as I anxiously watch the presidential election returns. I'll draw the name from a hat and will try to post the winner ASAP. Bisous, everyone!
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