I am in love. With Je suis amoureux, a sweet short film that is so adorable and so French. A perfect Paris love story. Two minutes and fifteen seconds. I think you'll love it too.
I'M IN LOVE (Je suis amoureux) from DRÔLE DE TRIP on Vimeo.
Merci to PerfectlyParis for the tip!
Sunday, September 09, 2012
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Now, how classic is this story ! Whom among us didn’t feel that spark for a potential something, but missed to act on it.
It’s funny because one of my short stories in Being French! is called “The Beautiful Passerby of the Subway” and tells pretty much exactly a story like that but having taken place for real in my life. That sense telling us that some story is waiting there, but the moment only develops in “rêveries” and when the métro doors shut on the back of the beautiful unknown, it’s too late for ever!
It’s also the theme of a magnificent Charles Baudelaire’s poem called “To a passerby”, and I chose to end my own short story with the last words of this great poet perfectly portraying that desperate feeling for the loss of what could have been but will never be.
“A lightning flash ... then night! – Fleeting beauty,
By whose glance I was suddenly reborn,
Will I see you no more before eternity?
Elsewhere, far from here! too late! never perhaps!
For I know not where you fled,
You know not where I go,
O you whom I would have loved, O you who knew it!”
Yes, a simple and almost everday event, with a bit of O.Henry and James Thurber in the mix. Brilliantly directed. I hope Raphaël de Casabianca gets lots of awards!
It's funny because I didn't read the two authors you cite, but in my first "flash reading" of your words I had read Henry James (which I have read a lot). It's interesting to see this propensity we have to see what we like in the first place, if the slightest opportunity present itself! :)
And of course during the few seconds of my mistake, my brain was racing like: "what possible relation is she seeing with H. James?" LOL.
Great video! Just when I thought I knew where it was going it surprised me, and then it surprised me again at the end.
It really illustrates a guy's average day on the Paris subway; we can let our imagination get the best of us sometimes. :)
So cute! Thanks for sharing!
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