Fabric is so cool. Have I mentioned my love affair with fabric? Oh, yes I have.
So I was naturally ,er, ego-pleased to see this sweet Paris-icon fabric called "Polly Goes to Paris." Zee poodles! Zee Eiffel Tower! Zee bicyclettes! Zee cafes!
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Awwww! Idéal pour ton bureau à domicile?
I sort of want to learn to sew so that I can use that fabric. It's fantastic.
Aw, my heart jumped for a minute because I thought YOU were coming to Paris...
And there you are on your bicycle!
Vraiment adorable!
That fabric is soooooo French. Beautiful.
Oh Joan, how I wish I were heading back to Paris. "Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day."
The funny thing is that I don't think I'd find (or use) this fabric when in France. But it's sweet in a Gigi sort of way.
Shelli and Gene, I miss my bike rides in Paris!!
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