Monday, May 07, 2012

Paris Patterns #2

Paris is a constant kaleidoscope. Of course there is the magnificence of  the 'capital-a' Art, grand architecture, and masterful sculpture; but there is also the adrenaline rush of people-watching, le lèche-vitrines (window shopping), patterns, and 'small-a' art everywhere.

In homage to small-a Parisian art, here are more Paris Patterns.
This time more linear, angular.

Lattice-weave mosaics on a doorway of a residence near Vavin in the 6e arrondissement.

Screws and nails on display at the Marché aux puces at Vanves.

Ceiling at the Sainte Chappelle.

Exterior mosaic of a café on boulevard St. Germain in the 7e.

Windows of an office building at Montparnasse.


  1. Really enjoyed these. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Beautiful patterns. I love the patterns in the windows of the Musee de l'Institut du Monde Arabe

  3. The office building first I thought it was plaid tile!

