Monday, July 11, 2011

Our Maids are Squeaky Clean

This flyer just arrived in my mailbox from the folks at MaidPro.

Surely a coincidence (ha!) or surely NOT a coincidence in timing?

"The wrong maid is an accident waiting to happen."

"MaidPro -- We're squeaky clean."

And their other motto: "Talk dirty, live clean."


  1. Isn't that funny? Is the service in Paris?

  2. No it's in the U.S. Clearly riding the media coattails of the DSK story.

  3. ah, not so sure that there is a real connection here. I live in New York and have been riveted by the DSK saga (and in fact I was in Paris for two weeks end of May/early June, just after the scandal broke), but I am not sure that the rest of America is so interested in this case! No, they have been riveted by Casey Anthony! (and since I was in Paris when the trial began, I was completely at sea when I returned to the US and all the attendant publicity)

