Thursday, March 17, 2011

It's Green in Paris

St. Patrick's Day, and even Paris is going green. Yes, the famed Moulin Rouge, for the next two days, will be the Moulin Vert.


But I like to reflect on some of the other greened spaces in Paris. The Jardin Atlantique is a favorite example: a space created above the steelyard of train tracks outside the Gare Montparnasse in 1994, which has been converted to a green-space for all to enjoy. Plants, trees, and outdoor spaces, all at the doorstep of a major train station.

Ah, a fine sampling of lush green grass to enjoy at le Jardin Atlantique while waiting for the TGV... er, when it is not the season of pelouses interdites.


  1. Thought I tried my hardest, I never understood pelouses interdites. That's no fun. Grass is made to be frolicked or napping in, not for staring at!

  2. I don't understand pelouses interdites either and I'm French! I remember the groundskeeper had a hard time with us kids when we were young.

  3. Le Moulin Vert, c'est parfair pour boire de l'absinthe!

