Friday, January 14, 2011

Paris Lampshades

This storefront window got me thinking about lampshades. Les abat-jours. (Hmm, or should it be abats-jour? Abats-jours?) Figuring out French plurals of compound words always gives me a headache. I learned the rules way back, but I'm still flummoxed all the time.

Anyway, these charming lampshades let me momentarily forget all the grammatical shenanigans. They were just delightful!


  1. I just love your photos and observations from wandering around Paris-makes me want to go there once again very soon ;-)

  2. One would hardly dare to ask to buy one, for fear of upsetting the display.

  3. Would you choose the turquoise lampshade, Polly? I would. What a cute post! Maria O. Russell

  4. I love the way Parisian shops do window displays. On rue de Rennes there is a glove shop with what seems to be hundreds of wonderfully colorful gloves in neat rows and columns filling the window.

  5. That would make a really fab, kooky canvas picture. Parisian shops either do window displays really really well, or awfully, I noticed when I was there. That was a few years ago now though, perhaps times have changed?

  6. What a variety. Abat-jours, is the right form I guess, but who knows, it is French. as long as it sounds good, who cares for spelling.

  7. And these are just the modern lampshades. So many creative high-end one-of-a-kind lampshades, too!

    C'est jeff, I have to say I was SOO thrilled when I was in Paris last month to see a resurgence of glove shops. Yay! Et les gants = elegants!

