Thursday, January 20, 2011

Anniversary of the Death of Louis XVI

January 21 marks the anniversary of the execution of Louis XVI at the place de la Concorde in Paris.

His final words were, "Peuple, je meurs innocent! Je pardonne aux auteurs de ma mort! Je prie Dieu que mon sang ne retombe pas sur la France!"

A notable occasion in history. A notable occasion in my personal history for the major social boo-boo(s) I made when I first learned of the importance of this occasion from someone who takes it very, very seriously.

Read it and weep here.

p.s. No, he never called back.

image via wikipedia


  1. I would have giggled too.

    And why are French men named Hubert always the aristo types? Remember Mireille's buddy in French-in-Action? HE was a Hubert, too. And I'll bet he was also a Royalist.

  2. Years ago the Carnavalet museum had the shirt that Louis XVI had on when he was executed. It was impressive, still had blood on the collar. A few years ago it vanished from the display but it had given me a real sense of the times.

  3. Jeff, I love the Carnavalet museum, but never saw that exhibit. Wow.

    Melissah, I will check out your blog. thanks!

    Bold Soul, The Hubert thing is true, although that wasn't his real name - heh -- I felt had to protect the names of the not-so-innocent. So maybe that's why I chose the pseudonym! I'm saving (and savoring) the full-length story for a full-length memoir. Stay tuned!!

  4. Oh I am so dead. I'm going to France in March - I'm going to meet Alexandra in person! - and if I have to refrain from giggling...and smiling....I'll never manage it!!

    Thanks for the post (this one and the old one) because that was really interesting. So much to learn.

