Sunday, October 10, 2010

France-Shaped Cheese Board

Why didn't I think of this?  I spotted one of these France-shaped cheese boards in the museum shop yesterday.  Naturally it's by Laguiole, one of my favorite French cutlery companies.  (Opinel being the only other French cutlery company I know off hand.  Are there others?)  Not only is it shaped like la Belle France, but it also has the names of some of the more famous cheeses carved in their respective regions on the map.

Laguiole is sooo very French, as I discovered at home. 

But did you know that the company also sells champagne sabers? Yours for only 290 euros.  Now there's a niche market.

If you're not the saber-rattling type, how about a Johnny Hallyday knife?

Never too soon to start holiday shopping!


  1. Ok, I definitely need one of these!

  2. What museum shop?

  3. The de Young Museum in San Francisco. It was at the apres-exhibit boutique for the post-Impressionists from the Musee d'Orsay show.

  4. Sabatier is French, I think.

  5. These are the only two knives companies I know of anyway.

    Cool idea! But I would never have enough cheese to fill the platter, considering how expensive it is in Canada!

  6. The saber is lovely, but a little too rich for me! My kids (22 & 17) have been sabering open prosecco and beer with table knives and unsharpened swords. Always something fun going on around here! We learned about sabering open carbonated beverages at a Bastille Day festival this summer.

  7. Love the Cheese board, a brilliant idea. :-)

    I had look at the link .. had you heard of the word ..Turophile before .. strange name for a Cheese Lover.

  8. Bon-jour, Christmas gifts! Thanks for sharing!

