Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Le quatorze juillet

Happy Bastille Day!

By the way, no one in France calls it Bastille Day.  Or even Jour de la Bastille. Just le quatorze juillet or maybe la fete nationale. And of course, you know the proper way to say "Yay France!" in French.

Since I have the day off, I think I'll pick up a copy of France Today and dream of being in France today.  Or better yet, I'll just subscribe so I have a chance to win a fabulous luxurious trip to France.  (But shhhh -- don't tell anyone, because I want to improve my odds of winning.)

Then maybe I'll order some French goodies from French Feast.

And I'll finish the day singing La Marseillaise somewhere.


  1. I was thinking of you today and wondering how you'd celebrate - happy Bastille Day!

  2. I found it funny the first time I hear 'Bastille Day' for quatorze juillet. I guess it makes more sense come to think of it.

  3. I celebrated Bastille Day with a group of alumni of the French American School in SF. Marseillaise, tricolore and French wine. Couldn't ask for more! (well, except to be in Paris...)

  4. you know, even in France many people do not like the lyrics of la marseillaise, too much blood!

