Monday, May 11, 2009

Roast that French!

Oh, brother. Do we not even know how to pronounce the word café in this country?
Apparently McDo doesn’t think so. Check out the latest McDonald's ad touting the new McCafébodum coffee press.  Pronunciation lessons?

Lame attempts at Frenchifying ordinary workaday words is bad enough (commu-tay, cubi-clay?) Trying to make it seem “French” to be sipping a whipped-cream-topped iced mocha on the way to work is… a stretch. 

But must McDonald's really massacre the poor, unsuspecting, much-misunderstood accent aigu?


  1. I absolutely agree with you, I saw those ads this weekend and was afraid of a French fight.
    I'm going to a class at the Alliance Française this upcoming week, I'll be sure to ask around for impressions.
    Plus, the fact that McDonald's was the one to do it is really bad. Can it be any worse??

  2. They might not be able to pronounce foreign words correctly, but they surely can make crap food and drinks look terribly yummy...

  3. Well, after all, it is McDonald's, one can't expect real class.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Well, maybe someplaces need a little help. Like the residents of the many Versailles (VER-sailz) across the country.

    I agree with isabelle, they sure look yummy, but then again, their McBloater looks yummy in the ads too!

  6. Oh dearrr.

    This reminds me of that Steve Martin movie where he tries to have a french accent. So wrong.

  7. Polly, Isabelle and Sixty, I thought you might appreciate this photo blog about fast food advertising vs. reality:

  8. @Meg - That was a good post on advertising vs reality, but a real perspective was the movie "Supersize Me".

  9. That ad is terriblé. They have massacré-d the French language.

