Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Schiaparelli, 1949

An intriguging item of beachwear design by Schiaparelli 60 years ago.

Hmm. For you fashionistas reluctant to give up your Snuggies in the warmer months, I guess there's hope.

Plus ca change...


  1. As someone with a family history of skin cancer (on both sides), that's my kind of beachwear!

  2. Wow! And that's before everyone was paranoid about skin cancer. I kind of like that better than a Snuggie - at least it wasn't (as far as I know) marketed to people who find blankets too difficult to use.

  3. Funny, Snuggies were the first thing that popped into my head when I saw this.

  4. Well there is the way to hide that winter weight!

  5. Here's what the photo caption from Figaro Madame 1949 said:
    "Un amusant peignoir en tissu eponge de Schiaparelli; monte sur piquets il peut etre transforme en... cabine de bain!"

    Loosely translated: An amusing terry cloth robe from Schiaparelli; put it on wooden poles and it can be transformed into... a beach cabana!

  6. I so want and need this!! Does it come in any other colors?

  7. Funny! Not exactly "feel-good" clothing, eh? I don't know about you, but I don't want to wear any clothing item that also doubles as shelter, French pret-a-porter or not.

  8. What is she doing under there? There's something about that photo that reminds me of the scene in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" where Marilyn Monroe is stuck in a porthole, but concealed by a coat from which the hands of the curiously adult millionaire child are protruding. (Strange how comedy and the weirdly alarming are so closely allied)

  9. Having come from that era (barely), I picture this woman with an empty martini glass in one hand, motioning to the cabana boy to bring her another.

  10. how funny - a Schiaparelli Snuggie!
    it just goes to show how everything old is new again!

  11. It would sell very well in Lebanon (those women who like to bathe with their clothes on)

