Monday, April 06, 2009

Paris Celebrates Americans

liberty in luxembourgWhy does the Statue of Liberty stand in New York Harbor?

Nyuk-nyuk. We know the snappy answer.

Ah, but why does the Statue of Liberty travel across Paris?

This is for real. Joggers in the Jardin du Luxembourg who are accustomed to seeing the diminutive version of Bartholdi’s Lady Liberty (Liberte eclairant le monde) need not be alarmed at her absence. Today she embarked on a trip across Paris and has ended up in the Jardin d’Acclimatation to participate in a month-long exhibit about Americans in Paris.

She will be accompanied by other icons of American culture, including some classic cars, and baseball demonstrations. Will there be hot dogs and apple pie, too? There will be weekend parades featuring American-style cheerleaders and “super dunks". (?). Also jazz and gospel music, movies, and more.

The Jardin d’Acclimatation (and even my French friends stumble when saying it) is a children’s park in the Bois de Boulogne in the 16e arrondissemment. Check out the Jardin’s website here, though be warned that when I checked the English version wouldn’t pop up.

jardin d'acclimatation

April 10 – May 11

10 am to 6 pm (7 pm in May)

Entrance fee adults and children: 2€70

Jardin d’Acclimataion – metro Les Sablons


  1. So much for how the French hate Americans. In ten years of visiting Paris, I've never encountered even one person who hated Americans, though I'm sure there must be at least one. American policies.....yes.

  2. Hi Starman,

    I agree 100%.
    My one fleeting thought about this month-long celebration is that I wish it coincided with the Fourth of July, the way that so many American Francophile communities celebrate Bastille Day. But it's a beginning!

  3. It's because she can't sit down. ha,ha I never heard that before.

  4. Yeah, old joke. Doesn't say a great deal about my humor age-level. But I'm glad to enlighten!

  5. merci pour l'info, je ne savais pas !

