Thursday, March 19, 2009


A few autographs I've collected over the years, mostly in the form of book dedicaces. I'm so glad to have re-discovered them.

What I treasure most about the Jean-Jacques Sempé signature is, of course, the drawing. I wonder if he always signs autogaphs like this.
A while back I wrote about meeting Marguerite Yourcenar. But actually, when I met her she had already been elected to the Académie Française. I'll blame my ignorance on youth.

And Polly Platt's signing of French or Foe, the first time I ever met her some time in the 1990s. How prophetic; and little did either of us know that she was to become a good friend and part of my French dream-come-true.


  1. Polly, I'm so jealous about the Sempé drawing! I love this guy...

    And Marguerite Yourcenar! That's impressive, what a great lady she was.

  2. Isabelle,

    I was so lucky to have had the chance to meet these great people. It certainly fanned the flames of my francophilia!

  3. It's too bad Polly Platt left us. I would liked to read her next book on France.

  4. I was surprised when I saw Sempé's name and amazed to discover Yourcenar's ! How lucky you are !
    I've just discovered your blog and, being French and having lived in Paris for 6 years, I really enjoy reading your lovely posts and discovering places never noticed. I'm glad you insist on the fact that French people like the USA, in spite of sad and very common stereotypes saying the opposite. I always feel terrible about this as I do love your country and have the highest regard for the American culture.
    Thanks for this very nice blog !

