Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Walking around Paris, I never lack for visual surprises. Some -- most -- are splendid and architectural.

Others are subtle and enigmatic. For example, this pair of trousers splayed in the middle of the sidewalk off avenue Daumesnil in the 12th. They seem to be rather successfully running away from their owner.

A few days later, I spied the foot-weary partners, perhaps. They'd made it as far as boulevard Montparnasse.

Let me know if you find the rest of the outfit.


  1. How curious. In the States I only every see a single shoe. It's like they've decided to split up and make a run for it individually. Interesting how French shoes stay together.
    Probably shouldn't look too deeply at this.
    I'm going to miss your posts from Paris Polly.

  2. The owner of those pants must have been moving really quickly.

  3. wow, you have eyes! very interesting!!! I added your blog on my last post, ciao from Italy, Stef

  4. hi Polly, I just tumbled upon your blog via your craigslist ads - I'm sorry I missed out on your headboard - while looking to replace a cheap french technologie phone whose #1 ne marche plus. It's hard to phone home when it's 0-0-rien! But I'm writing to tell you that I have bookmarked your blog for further reading; I am struck by your open eyes, your appreciation for Paris even after so many years, and your dedication to both in your blog. I am having one of those days- raining this morning, decided to stay in to catch up on my email and scare up a lunch date, knowing that it will probably rain til May, and it ain't gonna get warmer. The down side of Paris. You've encouraged me to take a longer walk to the Shopi near Notre Dame de Lorette & an excuse to buy the best pain au chocolat I've yet found in Paris, maybe it will still be warm since the kids are all getting out of school now. I'll enjoy it while I have it- Merci bien pour le boost. And I hope you don't feel like something discarded, wherever you are upon leaving. Paris will still be here. And it will still be drizzling...

  5. Probably just the cast-offs of another Parisian frustrated with a lack of storage space in a tiny apartment.

    The shoes are obviously looking for a welcoming and well-organized closet, since they've stopped in front of a store selling rangements!

  6. Once while walking in Nice I came upon a pile of hair just lying on the sidewalk. There was no salon nearby, no reason I could see that this would be there. And then a few days later in a different part of town, I came upon another pile of about the same size but different color.


    I still wonder about these...

    Meilleurs voeux!!

