Saturday, November 22, 2008

I Married a Frenchman

Well, I didn't actually marry one myself.

But if you did, or you know someone who did -- or if you've ever dreamed of marrying a Frenchman -- you'll want to check out the 'Evenings with an Author' event at the American Library in Paris on Wednesday, December 3.

I wish I were going to be in town for that talk. Or at least a fly on the wall. It's an understatement to predict that the conversation will be entertaining and animated, and the audience feedback lively... even heated?

Hmm. I wonder if any of the French husbands will attend.

Free and open to the public. Wednesday, December 3, 7:30 pm at the American Library in Paris. 10 rue du General Camou in the 7e arrondissement.

Is this how you imagine life as the wife of a French man?


  1. If Petite can organize her blogs into a book, you certainly can. I find your blog much more interesting.

  2. I see the lady that you imagine lives with a French Man looking across the room making sure he does not flirt with too many women or even worse - dive out the back door with one! LOL

  3. I agree wholeheartedly with starman! While you're authoring a "real" book, make that your second. Have I mentioned as a great source?

    What else do you have to do???

    word verifier: prias... did you arrange that?

  4. Wow. That sounds fascinating. Alas, I missed it too. Tant pis.


