Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Carla Bruni on the Today Show

Première Dame Carla Bruni-Sarkozy charmed host Matt Lauer on the Today Show this morning.

"Call me Carla," she smiled. Watch Matt swoon.

On tour in the U.S. to promote her new album, Comme si de rien n'était, she was an instant hit with her winning smile and gentle, self-effacing diplomacy. You can see the entire segment here.

Most notably, when asked what advice she might have for Michelle Obama about raising children in the spotlight of the presidency, she replied, "Well, I think it would be better for me to get advice from her."

Update: via SuperFrenchie. She was also on the Letterman show last night.

Trivia: the cover of her album was shot at the Parc de St. Cloud.


  1. And she was equally charming on Letterman last night. Letterman asked "can your husband even get any work done?" and I swear he was blushing! Here is a link to her performance:

  2. Hi Meg -- while you were commenting, I was updating.

    Thanks -- great minds think alike!

  3. Oh gosh... I can't look at her without smiling. She's very graceful and has such a winning personality.

