Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fashion? Un-Fashion?

When I spotted this window display at Loft Design By on rue de Rennes, my mind went into a wee bit of a tailspin.

Chic grey sweatpants. A tee-shirt and other signage touting "people who care about your clothes don't really care about you."

Um, hold on a sec. This is Paris, right?

The thought path went something like this:

Was it all in English for the benefit of the Tourists of August?

Does it represent a new trend in fashion consciousness in Paris, a sartorial je m'en-foutisme?

Or (think about it) does it simply reflect the status quo?


  1. Perhaps you could get a t-shirt made up with "people who wear slogans on their clothes aren't very clever" to go with it. I'm sure it isn't representing anything other than a bad idea!

  2. I just want to know how much they dare charge on rue de Rennes for a t-shirt that espouses fashion apathy.

    Kind of like the cashmere sweater I once saw in the pages of Elle with a silk-screened image of Che Guevara. Do they miss the point? Or is it just way too postmodern for me, man?

  3. People who care about your clothes don't really care about you. It's funny but I agree with this idea. But not funny haha, but funny strange.

  4. I thought it was funny in a land where there is a large group of people who indeed care about your clothes.

    Ergo, they don't really CARE --about you.

