Thursday, May 08, 2008

Chimneys of Paris

Walking in the Chaillot quartier earlier this week, I was amazed by the design made by these chimney flues. Ramonage -- sweeping of the chimney -- is a requirement for having apartment insurance. The ramoneurs sure have their work cut out for them.

But it reminded me of a story told to me by a friend who lives not far from the Assemblée Nationale -- a very swish neighborhood of Paris. A wealthy man who lives on the top floor in the building across the street from her has purchased all the roof chimneys of the residents of his building. No mean feat, and for a princely sum, to be sure. He will cap off the chimneys and install a rooftop garden, so in vogue in Paris these days.


  1. I have noticed many rooftop gardens. The one on Rue St. Dominique not far from Le Gros Pierre, or whatever that church is, was sort of a homing device for us, along with the ET, as we got to know last year's neighborhood.

  2. Yes, le Gros Caillou.

    Most of the big rooftop gardens I've seen are on more modern buildings with the steel-and-cement infrastructure that can support the heavy weight. But now it seems that they're arriving in some older buildings as well.

    There's one rooftop garden on rue du Cherche Midi with a cedar tree that must be 20 feet tall. Incredible!

