Sunday, April 13, 2008

Guest Blogger

A Sunday stroll in the park, and whom did I meet? The outgoing, charming and talented Gisèle, who is five --but will be six, "après Noël."

She and her brothers came running over to the gate where I was photographing. Hearing me speak in English, she questioned me in French as she concentrated on tying a piece of string around the iron gate post.

"Are you English?" she asked.

"No, I'm American."

"Oh, so you're kind of American/English/French?" she asked.

"No, I'm just American, but I speak French," I explained.

"What are you taking pictures of?"

"Oh, anything, n'importe quoi," I replied. She was eyeing my camera keenly. I asked her, "Do you want to take a picture with it?"

Gisèle nodded and grinned, "Oui!" And in no time she had her technique mastered. "You have to press the button when what you want is in the square?" she asked. And, click -- voila! --a future photojournalist was born. Here are some of Gisèle's masterpieces, taken in the Square Louvois.

Her little brother, with maman and papa looking on from the bench.

Her brothers playing ball in the park.

Richard Nahem, of Eye Prefer Paris. We never knew until today that he was as tall as a skyscraper!

And here's the photo I took, a portrait of the young artist. Merci, Gisèle!


  1. Awww, so sweet - your guest blogger, and you for letting her be your assistant!

  2. Comme elle est charmante -- and you as well, for posting these cute pics.

  3. I just hope that her parents can find my blog (I gave them the name) so they can see the photos. I didn't have a card to give them.

    She was adorable, and could truly be a star reporter some day -- engaging personality, asks discerning questions, good eye for a photo.

  4. Gisele is adorable, and shows great promise as a photographer. She took a better photo of Richard than I did. I had my camera set on "monument" when I shot him.

    Of course, in his own way, Richard is a monument!

    It is so green in Paris! Are the chestnut trees blooming yet?

    Thanks, Polly, this was a great way to start my day!

  5. Adorable! (This is a test, BTW.)

  6. That was kind of you. Her photos turned out really well. Perhaps I should take photography lessons from you.

  7. Gisele was not only adorable but also bright and a very quick learner -- I didn't have to teach much!

    But, seriously, any 5-year-old who is good at photos and interviewing: she definitely has a future in the media! I loved the way she captured the shot of her brother inches away and her parents in the little corner.

    By necessity I crop my own photos -- but hers I reproduced as-is.

    Mimi, Yes, Richard Nahem is indeed a Paris monument in his own right!

    And FYI all the green in the photos is from the chestnut trees, now completely leafed out.

  8. giselle's shot of me is vert arty, although I wish I had a chin in the photo.

  9. Oh, picolo, don't worry! It's not your best shot, but anyone else taken from that angle wouldn't have looked half as good as you. (I linked to the blog so people could see the real you.)

    If she had taken a picture of me I would have included it come what may, and it wouldn't have been a pretty sight.

    But it did make me think: it would be fun to have the grown-up world photographed from below by kids, so we could understand what they're seeing all the time. Could be an eye-opener!

  10. French children seem to be very well cared for - and they are so beautiful! I'm afraid some of the parents I've encountered in France must think I am a lunatic for telling them so.

    Gisele is just precious - this was a good idea, Polly!

  11. It was fun, and really a totally spontaneous, unplanned moment -- I had a sense that she would do well with it; she seemed so curious and clever.

    I remember when my kids were that age; now they're in college -- and my daughter is a great photographer!

  12. Bravo to our budding blogger! She may just have a future in journalism :)

