Thursday, March 27, 2008

Something's Missing

I realize sometimes how much of a train-train quotidien routine I can get into. Lots of parts of Paris that I don't see for weeks on end unless I make a special effort.

An American friend is in town, and today we walked and walked and walked. And walked some more. From the place Victor Hugo in the 16e arrondissement to the place St. Georges in the 9e. Our route: Champs Elysées to the Louvre to the Palais Royal to the Grands Boulevards, past Notre Dame de la Lorette.

Spring seemed to officially arrive today, with lots of showers and sunshine, and the trees had leafed out overnight.

But wait! The real news (to me anyway) is this: part way through our journey, at the place de la Concorde, something was missing.

No more Ferris wheel!


The Obelisque hasn't turned into the leaning tower; it's just the fish eye lens effect.


  1. Fear not, the Ferris Wheel will be back... (not sure when... I assume in 6 months, but it's just an assumption)

    I beg to disagree about Spring being here... It's still freaking cold!!!

    It'll be Spring when the temperature reaches the 70's (that is some time in July)...

  2. Can I ask a dumb question? Why do they take the Ferris wheel down just before spring/summer? I would think that would be the ideal time to ride. I was struck by this when I was there last year and never investigated.


  3. Sometimes it's up during the summer, sometimes it's up during the winter (and Christmas time).
    I still haven't figured out the patterns (well, I haven't tried)

  4. I liked the Ferris wheel well enough when it was tucked away on the rue de Rivoli side of the Tuileries.

    IMHO it marred the regal beauty of the place de la Concorde; too Las Vegas!

    I agree that it would be best to find one spot and leave it there -- just not at la Concorde, I hope!

  5. Actually they are two different ferris wheels.
    The one on rue de Rivoli is there when the "fête foraine" is in the Tuileries, and it's smaller.

    Actually, we may be unto something here.
    I think the fête in the Tuileries is gonna be soon, so maybe this is why they tear the one on Concorde down... So that there aren't two ferris wheels at the same time in the same neighborhood....

