Sunday, March 23, 2008

Book Love

Sometimes when I have other stuff I should be accomplishing, I daydream instead. After writing the to-do list, I write the wish list. The old "What would I do if I won the lottery?" is a favored game.

Trying to narrow that wide-open what-if? field (it concerns way too much real estate and travel), today I mused instead about which recent and upcoming France-related books I would snap up if I had a coupla hundred euros to spend only in that category.

Here's my list du jour of books I'd like to have on my nightstand or coffee table (or in my Easter basket!):

The Country Cooking of France by Anne Willan

Mistress of the Revolution by Catherine Delors

My Life in France by Julia Child and Alex Prud'Homme

Parisiennes text by Carole Bouquet, Madeleine Chapsal et al

Graffiti Paris by Fabienne Grevy

Americans and the Making of the Riviera by Michael Nelson

French War Brides in America by Hilary Kaiser


  1. Ah yes, I've been dying to read Julia's account of her life in France...she was so fascinating. Great list of books...I do the same thing :)

  2. And Julia's book came out in paperback recently.

    It helped to write the list -- then I got my real work done!

