Sunday, February 24, 2008

Marion Cotillard Wins Oscar

Marion Cotillard has just won the Academy Award for Best Actress in La Môme/LaVie en Rose.



  1. i wanted to leave you a comment to tell you, but i didn't want to ruin it for you!!

    thanks for the insider info about the making of the film; i shared it with my Oscar party

  2. I just happened to be up at 4:30 am...was glad to see the news as it happened!

    Here's a link to photos of Marion and Guillaume Canet at the Paris airport heading to LA

  3. Que j'aime ce blog--c'est merveilleux. I loved Marion Cotillard exuberance at winning. I'm tired of seeing stars who pretend that they are not excited at winning such a honor. Let's just hope that the media doesn't mock her. As for me, je la defendrai!

  4. Merci, la traductora!

    The press seems very supportive of Cotillard-- her beauty and her talent. And although Simone Signoret won an Oscar in 1960, it was for a role performed in English. This is the first time an actress has won an Oscar for a performance en francais. That's cool!

  5. Never has an actress deserved this award as Marion Cotillard has!

