Friday, January 11, 2008

Next Stop: Love?

The RATP has done it again this year, with a charming and witty form of expressing "Meilleurs Voeux," its annual New Year's greeting.

click on map to enlarge
This year they have created a fictitious map of the Paris métro, and replaced the regular names of the stops with names of elements of happiness and prosperity. Some of the new names are love, laughs, winning ticket, joy, energy, flirts, sharing, and surprises.

Time to hop on the metro, I guess, and see where it takes me!
But, as ever, "Attention à la marche en descendant du train."

I presume that the creative team at the RATP was inspired by Mademoiselle de Scudéry's "Carte du Tendre" from the 17th century.

Merci à Bonheur Occidentale pour l'inspiration.


  1. Is the RATP making this poster available to the public (other than posting it in the stations)? It's great. (I'm enjoying your blog as well.)

  2. Fabulous idea, Anne! As far as I know, they are only distributing the "post cards" of a few simulated stops, but no maps, at ticket booths.

    You could send the idea to the suggestion box,
    -- maybe they would start selling it at the RATP boutique.

  3. What a typically, fantastic French idea!

  4. It's funny, because some of the real metro stations already have enticing names, like Gaiete, Plaisance, and Bonnes Nouvelles.

